
The Fondation des Jeunes Haitiennes Optimistes was founded in September 2009 by Jocelyne Firmin to help young Haitian girls develop leadership skills, build self-esteem and reinforce their human dignity. The FJHO also provides counseling, financial support, and job opportunities for its members.

mardi 25 janvier 2011

 Members of FJHO visiting the site of Hyppolite Market
 Hyppolite Market
 FJHO members participated at the inauguration of the Hyppolite Market, event hosted by Digicel, a cellphone company in Haiti.
 Members getting ready to work hard but before doing so they strike a pose for the camera

 Samanda Joseph, FJHO's member, looking to see if your name is on the VIP list otherwise you will not be allowed to get in.
FJHO's members talking about their experience
 Keeping a good attitude while working hard under the tropical sun.
 Hard work paid off. It feels good to get rewarded.
 Une petite touche de maquillage fera bien l'affaire.
I am young, beautiful, hopeful and I am proud to be Haitian, I am FJHO.

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