
The Fondation des Jeunes Haitiennes Optimistes was founded in September 2009 by Jocelyne Firmin to help young Haitian girls develop leadership skills, build self-esteem and reinforce their human dignity. The FJHO also provides counseling, financial support, and job opportunities for its members.

mardi 22 mars 2011

Inauguration du Local de la FJHO

L'inauguration de notre local a ete permis grace au support de Carmen Tejedor, membre fondatrice de ACPP. ( The inaugration of our space was possible thanks to Carmen Tejedor, one of the founders of ACPP)
 Un reve devenu une realite ( A dream come true)
 Sky is the limit
 Telay, performing the song: " Besame"

 The general coordinator, Jocelyne Firmin and the president, Joanne Shirley
 La musique etait au rendez vous ( the music was on top)
 Let's rejoice this moment ( Rejouissons ce moment)
 We are one big happy family
 Sky is the limit! ( Dream big) Revons grand!
Empowering young Haitian women

Thank you for your speech M. mayor.

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