
The Fondation des Jeunes Haitiennes Optimistes was founded in September 2009 by Jocelyne Firmin to help young Haitian girls develop leadership skills, build self-esteem and reinforce their human dignity. The FJHO also provides counseling, financial support, and job opportunities for its members.

mercredi 13 avril 2011

Fundraising for the biggest cultural event in Jacmel, Haiti

"When poverty and disaster threaten their basic humanity, some women in Haiti find courage in the redemptive power of beauty. " Edwige Danticat.

This summer, the Foundation of Young and Optimistic Haitian Women are hosting their third annual cultural event and beauty is indeed the center of it all. Yes you might say, why would I support such an event when thousands of people live under tents? But experience taught me that beauty can connect to, and represent, a woman's deepest self, and her convictions. That cultivating a woman's beauty can be a way of cultivating her strength, even her salvation in times of hardship. And, in the Haitian culture, beauty has a different meaning than how Westerners see it. It is not just about being attractive, it is about a woman fighting for herself, showing others her presence, even fighting poverty and creating a life around her.
Looking beautiful, in a disaster zone might be one more way of exclaiming to the world that you are doing more than breathing, that you are surviving, that you matter.

Let's empower the women of Haiti, let's support Miss Hadriana 2011. To learn more about how you can support, email me at jocecass@hotmail.com

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